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This is one of the most crucial departments in the organization.
Vetting matters (tankers):
It coordinates the invitations for the tanker inspections by oil companies.
It gives guidance and instructs masters/officers for the above inspections.
Internal vetting and visits always take place prior and during vetting inspections.
A superintendent from the above dept. is always attending vetting inspections.
The dept. follows up any observations that might have been noticed during vetting inspections.
There is constant communication and correspondence between the dept.  and the Oil companies after an inspection takes place.
The dept. has to update the management and the crew onboard vessels about latest regulations concerning oil companies requirements.
The manager of the marine/safety/vetting dept. often visits oil companies offices and discusses matters relating to the group's tankers.
Safety matters (Tankers/Bulk Carriers)
It follows up the certification process of the ISM code and revises the SMS.
It performs internal/external audits.
It updates the management and the vessels for all matters related to safety as per flag states, IMO, Class Societies etc.
It conducts training seminars for the office staff and seafarers.
It monitors the safety and pollution prevention aspects of each ship's operation, ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are applied as required.
It ensures that the requirements of the International Safety Management code (ISM) and the group's Safety Management System (SMS) are implemented, maintained and wherever possible improved.
It ensures the investigation of accidents and the accurate reporting of hazardous occurrences.
It organizes and coordinates management review meetings and revises whenever necessary the group's controlled documentation system.
This is one of the most crucial departments in the organization.
Vetting matters:
  • It coordinates the invitations for the tanker inspections by oil companies.
  • It gives guidance and instructs masters/officers for the above inspections
  • Internal vetting and visits always take place prior and during vetting inspections.
  • A superintendent from the above dept. routinely attends vetting inspections.
  • The dept. follows up any observations that might have been noticed during vetting inspections.
  • There is constant communication and correspondence between the dept.  and the Oil companies after an inspection takes place.
  • The dept. has to update the management and the crew onboard vessels about latest regulations concerning oil companies requirements.
  • The manager of the marine/safety/vetting dept. often visits oil companies offices and discusses matters relating to the managed vessels.
Safety matters
  • It follows up the certification process of the ISM code and revises the SMS.
  • It performs internal/external audits.
  • It updates the management and the vessels for all matters related to safety as per flag states, IMO, Class Societies etc.
  • It conducts training seminars for the office staff and seafarers.
  • It monitors the safety and pollution prevention aspects of each ship's operation, ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are applied as required.
  • It ensures that the requirements of the International Safety Management code (ISM) and the company's Safety Management System (SMS) are implemented, maintained and wherever possible improved.
  • It ensures the investigation of accidents and the accurate reporting of hazardous occurrences.
  • It organizes and coordinates management review meetings and revises whenever necessary the company's controlled documentation system.


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331 Kifisias Ave., 14561
Kifisia, Greece
P.O.BOX 52939, 14610
N. Erithrea, Greece
